AJ Tek’s Adam Marshall Renewed Microsoft MVP 5 Years In a Row

by | Last updated 2023.02.07 | Published on 2022.08.24 | Blog

Adam Marshall, president of AJ Tek and creator of WSUS Automated Maintenance © has been honoured with the title of a Microsoft MVP! This prestigious title was awarded to him for his work and contribution to the “Windows and Devices for IT” MVP category. 2022 is the fifth year in a row that this title has been renewed, and we’re eager to share the growth of our company and product with our consumers! If you’re just learning about Microsoft MVPs right now, here’s everything you need to know about what it means to us and to our client base.

What is a Microsoft MVP?
According to Microsoft, the MVP (or, Most Valuable Professional) award is given by Microsoft to “technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community”. Microsoft MVPs are recognized for their contributions to technological innovation and advancements and are known for their contributions to making the Microsoft experience better for thousands of users.

Why Has Adam Marshall Been Given the Microsoft MVP Title?
Adam Marshall has been recognized by Microsoft as one of their MVPs for his continuous technical contributions to the community. His go-to locations are the Spiceworks Community forums and the Microsoft Q&A forums with a small presence on Twitter and Reddit. He routinely answers questions from other IT professionals on a variety of topics from his experience. When he recognizes a common line of questioning, he creates a guide or blog post on AJ Tek to further explain what to do and why.

Cheers to Five Years!
Adam Marshall is so proud to have hit the milestone of five great years of being a Microsoft MVP. The professionals at AJ Tek are eager to continue to make our users’ experiences more enjoyable, user-friendly, and simplified.

Learn more about the value of WAM by installing it on your server today!
Easily purchase WAM online and save time on WSUS maintenance.

At AJ Tek, our vision is to make IT simple and automated for other IT professionals. Our flagship product is WAM, WSUS Automated Maintenance. This system performs all of the tasks that a WSUS Administrator needs to do to maintain WSUS properly only leaving the approving of updates and reporting to the WSUS Administrator.

Connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn for additional insights and advice.

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