Easy WSUS Maintenance for IT Administrators

by | Last updated 2023.07.25 | Published on 2020.01.29 | Blog

Many IT administrators are lax with WSUS maintenance. While Microsoft recommends monthly maintenance, and outlines the steps required in 17 pages of detailed instructions, the truth is, many IT specialists just don’t have the time.

Instead of proactively maintaining their server environments, many people put off the task until something goes wrong and then spend hours troubleshooting issues and error codes. WAM was built to address the exact frustrations of Microsoft systems administrators and to ensure that all the time-consuming tasks needed to keep servers and clients updated are automated.

Our software uses PowerShell & SQL to carry out the maintenance outlined in the comprehensive Microsoft guide, plus additional tasks. It also runs daily—far exceeding even Microsoft’s own recommendations of monthly maintenance. WAM is extremely easy to set up and has been shown to significantly shrink used disk space. (In fact, our current removal record holder sits at 1636.88 GB).

WAM is available as a yearly license through AJ Tek. Licenses are extremely affordable, starting at only $90 USD a year for a single/upstream license—that’s less than $8 a month! You’ll also have access to prompt online support for the length of your subscription.

Easily purchase WAM online and save time on WSUS maintenance.

At AJ Tek, our vision is to make IT simple and automated for other IT professionals. Our flagship product is WAM, WSUS Automated Maintenance. This system performs all of the tasks that a WSUS Administrator needs to do to maintain WSUS properly only leaving the approving of updates and reporting to the WSUS Administrator.

Connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn for additional insights and advice.

“Great product for maintaining WSUS. Microsoft has not put enough development time into WSUS database maintenance. WAM closes this gap. I was able to free up 133GB of disk space. The interaction with the WSUS Management Console is much more resilient and it doesn’t crash anymore. Reports also run much faster.”

  • Keith
    Dallas, Texas, USA


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