FAQ: How Many WAM Licenses Do I Need?

by | Last updated 2023.07.25 | Published on 2019.04.24 | Blog

The basic WAM license is called a Single or Upstream license. This is the only license you need for a single WSUS server. In this scenario, the WSUS server connects directly to Microsoft Update to download updates.

Types of Systems & Licenses

In addition to the Single or Upstream license, you may need to purchase additional Downstream or Disconnected Downstream WAM licenses.

If you have a replica server—also known as a centralized administration system—then an upstream server receives the updates directly from Microsoft and passes on updates, approval statuses and computer groups with the downstream server. In this instance, you would need to purchase one Single or Upstream license for the first server and a Downstream license for each downstream replica server.

In the case of a downstream autonomous server—also known as a distributed administration system—an upstream WSUS server shares updates with downstream servers during synchronization but does not send update approval statuses or computer group information. For downstream autonomous servers, you would need to purchase one Single or Upstream license for the upstream server and a Downstream license for each downstream autonomous server.

In the case of disconnected networks with online staging servers, you’ll require a Single or Upstream license for each online WSUS staging server and a Disconnected Downstream license for each disconnected WSUS server that you export to.

In the case of multiple WSUS servers that are not connected together connecting directly to Microsoft Update to download updates and operate independently, you would need to purchase one Single or Upstream license for each server.

If you use SCCM, you’ll need to purchase a Single or Upstream license for the first installation of the software update point on the Root WSUS upstream server. Other software update points are configured as downstream replicas of the first software update point and therefore each replica server requires a Downstream license.

WAM licenses are extremely affordable. The Single or Upstream license is only $90 USD a year. For more information on pricing, get in touch with us. In addition to automated maintenance, you have access to prompt support for the length of the subscription.

Purchase WAM and save time on WSUS maintenance.

WSUS Automated Maintenance (WAM) system was developed by AJ Tek and is used by system administrators worldwide—from Australia to Antarctica. With over 50,000 unique downloads, it’s the preferred method of WSUS maintenance worldwide.

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