How Often Should I Run WSUS Maintenance?

by | Last updated 2023.07.25 | Published on 2019.10.09 | Blog

According to Microsoft Support, you should be performing WSUS maintenance monthly.1 Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for System Administrators to set up WSUS servers and then forget or completely ignore maintenance tasks, which can cause a number of problems down the road.

WAM (WSUS Automated Maintenance) was designed to help IT professionals easily automate WSUS maintenance. Once installed, WAM runs daily—exceeding Microsoft’s recommendation—indexing the WSUS database, removing drivers, declining multiple types of updates, cleaning synchronization logs and removing obsolete updates. All of this is done in the background, requiring no input or work by the IT manager. At the end of the day, a report is emailed (either TXT or HTML by default) for your review. 

Our easy installation guides the user through a standard or advanced configuration to suit your specific needs. If you run into any problems or have any questions, complete support is included for active subscribers on the latest version of the software. It’s good to note that WAM is effective on regularly maintained servers and ones where WSUS maintenance has been neglected. In most instances, WAM will clean up WSUS in 2-72 hours; however, it’s perfectly normal for older system to take days for the First Run to complete. Simply allow the software to work in the background and wait for the emailed report to signal maintenance is complete.

To ensure our software is accessible to all businesses, we’ve priced WAM at just $90 USD a year – that’s less than $8 a month. 

WAM is available for purchase by credit card or Bitcoin, online through AJ Tek.

WAM was developed by AJ Tek and is used by system administrators worldwide—from Australia to Antarctica. With over 50,000 unique downloads, it’s the preferred method of WSUS maintenance worldwide.

 Connect with us on Facebook and LinkedIn for additional insights and advice.

“AJ Tek has made a wonderful software that takes the complexity out of managing your WSUS server. I have a small network and this software allows me to set it and forget it while still getting email updates.” 

  • Jason Gooljar, IT Director
    Earth Day Network, USA


1Microsoft Support. “The complete guide to Microsoft WSUS and Configuration Manager SUP maintenance.” Retrieved September 30, 2019 from 

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