Plan WSUS Maintenance

by | Last updated 2023.07.25 | Published on 2020.03.25 | Blog

How often do you perform WSUS maintenance? Is it a monthly task? Quarterly? Or maybe even yearly? You need to have a plan for WSUS maintenance. Microsoft recommends monthly maintenance. But ideally, you should be proactively maintaining your servers and database for optimal performance.

The problem is, not many people have the time (or desire) to undertake monthly WSUS maintenance, let alone, do it daily. Proper WSUS maintenance involves a number of steps which can include:

  • backing up the database, 
  • re-indexing the WSUS database, 
  • declining superseded updates and finally 
  • running the WSUS Server Cleanup Wizard (SCW). 

The thought of doing all those steps on a regular basis leads many IT administrators to simply do minimal WSUS maintenance and instead, troubleshoot issues as they arise. WAM is an automated WSUS maintenance software that was developed specifically for administrators to keep servers maintained with no effort.

Once installed, WAM runs daily, surpassing Microsoft’s recommendation. The software will index the WSUS database, remove drivers, decline multiple types of updates, clean synchronization logs and remove obsolete updates. Best of all, these tasks are done in the background, requiring no input or work by the IT manager. At the end of the run each day, a report is emailed (either TXT or HTML by default) for review. 

With WAM, you don’t need to plan when you’ll get around to WSUS maintenance, it’s always working to ensure that everything is operating as it should. We believe in our product and want to ensure all businesses have access to this time-saving software, so our licenses are extremely affordable. 

Priced at only $90 USD a year for a single license, WAM is an affordable option for everyone!
Purchase WAM today for automated maintenance.

WSUS Automated Maintenance (WAM) system was developed by AJ Tek and is used by system administrators worldwide—from Australia to Antarctica. With over 50,000 unique downloads, it’s the preferred method of WSUS maintenance worldwide.

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and let us know how often you currently perform WSUS maintenance.

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