Save Time With Easy WSUS Cleanup

by | Last updated 2023.07.25 | Published on 2019.02.27 | Blog

As a system administrator, are you tired of seeing “an error occurred trying to connect the WSUS server” or “the WSUS administration console has encountered an unexpected error” while working with WSUS? With our WSUS Automated Maintenance (WAM) software, you can free up space, avoid error messages and save time with easy WSUS cleanup.

Benefits of an Easy WSUS Cleanup Software

Our software has a number of functions that include:

  • Removing drivers from the WSUS database
  • Shrinking WSUS content folder by declining superseded updates
  • Removing declined updates from the WSUS database
  • Cleaning out the synchronization logs
  • Compressing update revisions
  • Removing obsolete updates
  • Computer object cleanup
  • Application Pool Memory Configuration to display current private memory limit and increase it by any configurable amount.
  • Running the recommended SQL database maintenance script on the actual SQL database
  • Running the Server Cleanup Wizard

WAM for the Win!

After running the cleanup, you have the option of saving the report or emailing it for future reference. Additionally, WAM is extremely easy to install and has a simple configuration experience. Prompt support is included through our website for all active subscriptions, and best of all, the license fee is extremely affordable at only $90 USD per year.

Purchase WAM today and save hours of work.

Free up time—and drive space—with our easy WSUS cleanup software

We keep score of the largest reported record removals on our site, with the current winner sitting at over 1,284 GB. See if you can break the record with your WSUS cleanup!


WSUS Automated Maintenance (WAM) © system was developed by AJ Tek and is used by system administrators worldwide—from Australia to Antarctica. With over 50,000 unique downloads, it’s the preferred method of WSUS maintenance worldwide.

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updates on new releases and products.

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